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After your application to become a ZipX account holder has been approved and processed, you will be provided with a document detailing your foreign addresses in the U.S. and Europe. Then, when ordering from catalogs, or purchasing from overseas vendors, simply give the appropriate foreign address to your supplier as your "ship to" address, complete with your name and DEPT #. ZipX will do the rest.


The following tips bring to your attention some very important points that, when followed, make it easier for IBC Express to transport your ZipX packages securely and expediently.

  1. Be sure to give your supplier your complete shipping address, including your DEPT # and your U.S. ZipX Zip Code or European Postal Code. Remember, it is important that your DEPT # be included on the "ship to" label on your package. Shipments without DEPT #'s cannot be properly identified and ultimately are delayed.

  2. Ask your supplier to send your order to your ZipX shipping address via an express delivery service. Your package will then be a domestic shipment and you'll be pleasantly surprised how relatively inexpensively and quickly your package will be moved. Also if you ship via a major integrator your package can be tracked from origin.

    N.B. Although this is a single user membership, other members of your immediate family may use the DEPT #. However, it should be made clear that the owner of the ZipX account is responsible for all charges and delivery will only be made to the local address in Trinidad that you register with IBC.

  3. Always have your supplier include an INVOICE in the package with your order. This will facilitate expediting the customs clearance process so that your goods will be available to you shortly after arrival in Trinidad. Alternatively, if that is not possible, have your supplier fax you a proper invoice for the goods when your order is shipped. Please note, hand-written invoices are not accepted by Customs. If you do not have access to a fax machine, IBC's Customer Service Department will be happy to receive faxes on your behalf. Please be sure your name and ZipX account number are included on the fax. Faxes should be sent to (868) 675-0684.

  4. Remember to request from your Bank / Credit Card Centre, to add your Physical ZipX address, with your Dept#, as an authorized delivery address on your credit card if you are going to use it for any Internet purchases.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact an IBC Customer Service Representative at 675-3148, where someone will be happy to assist you.
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The shipment will move internationally in the mode you have designated within 24 hours of arrival at the ZipX office in the U.S., and will ultimately be available to you... :: Read More >>
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